Newenham - a place where nature, thoughtful design and community values combine to support the wellbeing of the whole community.

Newenham will be a quality place where a resident’s health and lifestyle are nurtured and nourished in equal measure – all on what is arguably the most strategically positioned, residentially zoned and aesthetically beautiful land in Mount Barker.

Our Challenge

Our challenge is to work with Council and community to harness and leverage the amazing natural beauty and characteristics of this site and seamlessly connect it to the surrounding Adelaide Hills region.

Our Solution

In Newenham this means embracing the magnificence of the Western Flat Creek and the graceful contours of this trickling artery as well as the natural soft seasonal aesthetic of the surrounding Adelaide Hills region. In equal measure we feel intuitively obliged to nurture the historic features on this land for broader ongoing community benefit, including old homesteads and barns.

Our key project differentiators of good design and a focus on creating well-being for all of our residents will be enhanced by a significant point of difference – our future Farm, Market Cafe and Produce Store.

Fast Facts

Economic Value Proposition: $350 million
Timeframe: 12 years
Size: 730 homes on 130 hectares
Average Lot size: 700m2
Construction Commencement: Autumn 2016
Proposed Features: Larger lots, magnificent seasonal landscape, Western Flat Creek, natural linear park walking trails, retention and restoration of historic buildings, unique design village, soft natural streetscapes and proposed school, community centre, recreation centre and community farm.
