Mount Barker City Centre Project – Masterplan and Vision shared.

Burke Urban Investments are proud to unveil plans for a $100 million investment into Mount Barker. The partnership with the Mount Barker District Council is one of the largest joint private business and local council projects in regional South Australia.

The Mount Barker City Centre Project is located on a large vacant, and long underutilised site of 12,000m2 adjacent to Hutchinson Street and Morphett Street, and the tree-lined Druids Avenue to the north.

The staged development, which will create 450 direct and indirect jobs during construction, proposes new community facilities, including an integrated civic office, co-working hub, a new town square, along with a designated site for a new public library. Other key features include a 4,500m2 commercial office, a hotel, residential units, a market shed combined with vibrant retailing for artisans and food and beverage outlets. When completed it will generate over 400 permanent jobs in the heart of Mount Barker city.

Burke Urban Investments Co-Directors Con Tragakis and Kym Burke explained their plan and vision, “this activated City Centre will add to the day and night economy with activities focused on and responding to the four seasons providing the community an all-year-round destination and meeting place.”

“Following the community engagement for the Town Square over the coming month, the design concept will undertake further review,” they continued.

Mount Barker District Council has taken a strategic and partnership orientated approach to support the City Centre and is committed to reinforcing its role as the primary and most dynamic centre in the Adelaide Hills. Mayor Ann Ferguson said, “local employment opportunities, improved community facilities and a vibrant City Centre are key outcomes we’re looking to realise through this strategic partnership with Burke Urban Investments”.

It is anticipated the project will be formally launched in early to mid-2022, with the first stage of construction of the Town Square, Market Shed, Commercial Office and proposed Civic Centre anticipated to commence late 2022. A new Library, subject to grant funding, is also proposed, which will be a vital contributor to activating the new Town Square and will provide an opportunity to better meet the needs of a growing community. The masterplan’s second stage will see the adjoining hotel and residential component anticipated to be completed in 2025.

Burke Urban has enjoyed a long association with Mount Barker, initially with the prestigious Waterford project on Springs Road and more recently the award winning Newenham Estate on Flaxley Road, which is a short walk or ride to the City Centre along the Western Flat Creek Linear Park Trail.

The next step in this project is community engagement on the concept design for the Town Square, it will run from 8  November – 8 December 2021. During this time the community is invited to view and provide feedback on the draft plans and attend consultation open days. The Town Square is a key focus for the engagement as it is a significant piece of infrastructure to service the existing community and for the enjoyment of future generations.

The first consultation day is on Saturday 13 November at Newenham, which is a Burke Urban project that won the UDIA award for Best Residential Development in South Australia and was a finalist in the National UDIA Awards in 2020. Newenham is a shining example of Burke Urban’s approach to placemaking, community creation and site activation.

The team from Burke Urban Investments will unveil their vision for the whole site as outlined in their winning Expression of Interest for the Mount Barker City Centre Project.

Burke Urban Investment’s door is also open for Expressions of Interest from any potential tenants for commercial offices, hotel, and retail opportunities at or by contacting Tim Halliday at

Further details on the project and the upcoming community engagement as well as an online survey for the Town Square can be found on the Council’s engagement website: or go directly to the Council:

Town Square community engagement key dates:

8 November – 8 December 2021

Community Consultation Open Day and Family Fun Morning, Kitchen Farm Pantry at Newenham

Saturday 13 November 2021, 10 am – 1:30 pm

Project launch presentation by Mayor Ann Ferguson and Burke Urban Investment’s Director Kym Burke at 10.00 am

Guided Site Walk – The Town Square Site 27th November 2021 10:00 am – 11:00 am

*Register to take part in a guided site walk via the above website

Community Consultation Open Day 2 at Carols in the Park

Saturday 4 December, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Mount Barker Show Grounds

We look forward to seeing you there!  

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